"An MBA is an accelerator of experiences; In two years we live what would correspond to 10 ". Franz Heukamp is the program director of the IESE Business School MBA, the only one taught by a Spanish business school that is included in the Top 10 of the Global MBA Ranking 2014 prepared by the British newspaper The Financial Times. The experience accelerator has a double reading. On the one hand, students see their salary increased by 125% three years after graduation. They charge an average of 115,000 euros a year. On the other hand, they learn to lead and to take the reins of a company; The majority of the students ends up occupying managerial positions, according to data of IESE.
Studying a Master of Business Administration (MBA) is not an easy decision. In the case of the IESE, the enrollment price amounts to 70,000 euros for 19 months, in addition to the obligation to leave the job to take full time training full time. Although about 15% of students are fortunate that their companies carry the cost, the rest must incur an investment that must bear fruit. Heukamp explains why it is worth taking the risk
How do you teach to lead?
All research indicates that you have to have temperament. In part, it is due to a genetic issue, but it is a trait that can be trained. It is very important for us to internalize the values that should guide a manager, attributes such as humility and sincerity. They learn the importance of postponing an objective that is a priori primordial but that can compromise their sincerity. We discussed business ethics and the courage to make certain decisions. For example, giving up a project that can bring economic benefits if this is a deception for employees or suppliers, which are hidden from the information. We teach them that decision-making processes have to be transparent and that, at times, they will have to give up significant amounts of money in favor of sincerity. Strengthening team culture is essential.
What added value does the IESE MBA have?
Since 2011 students can spend a month in New York, Shanghai, Sao Paulo or Nairobi, where they work with local entrepreneurs and learn in situ the peculiarities of each of these markets. Studies and experiences in New York are linked to the finance sector. In Sao Paulo and Nairobi they participate together with entrepreneurs in the elaboration of action plans to respond to some challenge as to launch a new product or to invest in other sectors. In Shanghai they plunge into logistics; The goal is to understand how the Chinese economy works. Students can choose two destinations, in which they will spend two weeks. They are very active places at a business level that can serve as the first contact for those who want to settle in another country. (Both the expenses of the flights and the stay are borne by the student)