Several people enroll in an MBA program hoping to earn more money After finishing his studies. While there is no guarantee that you will earn more money with an MBA, Higher salary is likely. However, the amount you earn will depend on the work you do And the business school in which you finished your studies.
A recent study of the salaries of people who have an MBA obtained by businesweek encounter That Harvard Business School graduates earn an average salary of $ 134,000, while The graduates of the "Second tier" schools, as well as second level, receive a salary Average of $ 72,000. The earning of money for MBAs is quite significant, independent of the schools. The businessweek study indicated that average cash compensation over a period Of 20, for all schools in the study, was $ 2.5 million.
How to choose an MBA:
Finding the right Master program can be difficult. There are hundreds of schools and programs to choose from Only in the United States. Some of the things that should be considered when choosing a master are:
Accreditation Placement Cost and financial aid Curriculum Reputation of faculty Reputation of the program Selectivity
The objectives of the Master's program in Business Administration - Executive MBA are the following:
Strengthen academic preparation and update the knowledge of professionals in the administration Of companies at a strategic and managerial level. Promote analysis and discussion on new challenges and trends Of business administration. Contribute to the professionalisation of the managerial and managerial cadres who work In private companies. To contribute to the acquisition of skills that allow professionals in Decision-making at different levels of a company, identify opportunities, detect problems And design proposals for solutions that are effective and efficient.